Friday, July 20, 2012

BATMAN: The DARK KNIGHT Rises and more....?

            The DARK KNIGHT Rises

So, woke up this morning to something SSSOOO horrible, it reminds us all about 9/11 and the Columbin shooting and school shootings. I CAN'T believe there's some guy OUT there who would be so OBSSESSED about Batman
(NOT BLAMING ANY thing except the life this murder lived AND his Parents. It's life choices.) that he WOULD go out at night time (Is when ALL the
CRAE-ZEES/crazy, come out to hunt.) and choose to kill 13/12 people and had 38 other injured. Hope those 38 live :) Get better soon. For those 13/12 bow your heads and take a moment of silence for them. Just like Obama did this morning before I left to see the NEW Batman.  (1 minute of silence).

Ok, NOW to start my BLOG :D:D:D:D:D  OMG OMG OMG!!
Ok, *out of breath lol. WOW!! SSSOOOO much about this movie :D Plenty of excitement, plenty of your mind thinking :D Twists and turns. Well, I don't want to give it away, spoiler free Blog :D. We all know Batman saves the day (of course!), but it's all how it goes down :) Alot of Gotham people helped out, at least ONE other person made an appears. Not saying who or more.
NO spoilers!! :D Special effects were awesome :D More Batman vehicles :)
(tiny spoiler, sorry.), but didn't say what kind/type :). From the 2nd movie, there's a brief argument between Alfred and Bruce about the letter from the 2nd movie from Rachel, Bruce's love. If you remember that movie, Heath Ledger was Joker in that one too. I would suggest that if you forgot about some things from the 2nd movie, watch it first before you see the 3rd Batman. We did :). 
I say this cause the Dark Knight Rises, started weird. So from the middle to the end there are DEFINITLY some twists and turns and "I knew it!!" moments. The very end, you'll need to bring either a kleenex box or the small plastic traveling kind of kleenexes. That's if your the crying emotional type when watching movies. It's a very cool very HAPPY AWESOME EXCITEING ending :D There's a part where Blake the Cop that Commissioner Gordon, makes his Detective, has to go pick up something from a women at some office building. Seriously!!! : You NEED to listen to what she says to Blake. It's another spoiler I'm not telling. When I heard it, I JUST barely caught it, but I know what she said :) One thing more to add, I REALLY TRULY hope there is more movies to be made and or maybe sequels from other characters. Namely the conversation between Blake and this office or secretary women. DON'T spoil it for others :D if you know. Just say "I know what your talking about."
I will know. :D

Anyways, to add that I had to sit in the middle, 2 row of the front seats cause it was on the IMAX screen :D Yes, THE BEST EVER Batman movie :D:D!!
Blows all the other movies out of the water :D:D!!!

We could have pre-order tickets, but knowing how the internet works, could have lost the credit card account. So we just went to the Silvercity movie theater in our city.

YES :D:D it IS, IS, IS the ULTIMATE BEST EVER!!!! Batman movie out of all the first 2 movies, and ALL the other Batman movies (Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, sorry Val., George Clooney, Alicia Silverstone, Chris O'Donell, Arnold Schwarzenegger.). Some of you may have a different opinion, that's fine :)
All the better to you!!I'm serious and not kidding. MY FAVE!! :D <3

Anyways, time to go and post my movie Blog :) Have a good weekend!! Have fun, be well. Please watch out for any strange people outside of the movie theater you may be heading to for Batman: The Dark Knight Rises.

As always:  See you ----> :D  at the movies :D!!  /waves  Seat reserved for you next to me.  Over here friends/family!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Oh my goodness!! It's been about 1 month since the last movie I went to see. I didn't take a vacation from seeing movies, I didn't take a vacation from posting in my Blog and sharing with you all :D lol. It's just been THAT long since I saw a movie. Yikes!! I know right :).
Ok so here..... we..... GO :D <3

                                     SPIDERMAN IN 3D IMAX!!

OMG OMG OMG!!! Your really have to go see the NEW Spiderman either in normal or DEFINITLY in IMAX 3D!! It's alot sweeter <3!!
AWESOME!! Must see movie of the year!! I know alot of reviews or people out there say that, and you probably thing "yeah sure."
NO IT IS TRUE!! I swear it!! :D Soooo many exclamation marks :) lol.
If you LOVE Spiderman, you'll DEFINITLY LOVE this movie :D
With a great cast of people: Andrew Garfield (no, not the cat lol.),
Emma Stone, Martin Sheen and Denis Leary.

The graphics of the movie in 3D is sweet!! :D Spiderman shooting his webs either to catch crimals or to swing is awesome :D. Swinging through the air through New York City was cool :D Andrew Garfield is a GREAT Spiderman. I did critique some things he did compared to Toby Maguire from the first 2 Spiderman movie. Not all bad :) Pretty good actually, just different things they both did that they were told to do :).

Alot of  surprise pop out at you to make you jump in your seat :) Fun and romantic action scenes. Good kissing scenes, those are romantic too :)
The 3D is truly one of my FAVORITE things to have in the movies.

So in the end, please stay about 2-5 minutes after the first few credits. There IS alittle something to see. Try to figure out who it is :D Please let me know if you can recall who it might be. *No spoilers for you! lol.

**ALSO, as long as they have more (Went to the Silver City
Polo Park = only IMAX theater.) then when you ask for the SPIDERMAN combo pack. It comes with AWESOME :D cup like those cool awesome Slurpee cups, and with a black straw accompanied by a little Spider friend :D It's a collector's cup for sure!! :D:D <3

Sorry it sounds so weird. TRYING to keep spoilers away from my memories of the movie so if you wish to see it, then no spoilers for you. If not, then just Facebook message or E-mail me and ask about the movie :) IT IS EXCITING :D:D!!

Have a good night/week :)

And as always....
See you ---->  :D at the movies
*saved a seat for you, right next to me. Join me won't you /wave.

ALSO: PLEASE make sure you turn off, and or ignore your cell phones.
There was a STUPID women about 4 seats down from us in our row of seats, who ACTUALLY answered her cell phone. It rang and she ANSWERED it!! How RUDE!! :P She also started talking for about 5mins. Only 5 cause there was a guy sitting behind her, and me (calmly whispering.) whispering to tell her "Turn off your phone.". I also "pretended" to clear my throat to remind her "TURN ALL CELL PHONES OFF during the movie." It's proper edict and it's a given that you (Women who was rude.) remember to turn off ANY and ALL cellphones. At least she was polite and told the person on the phone with her, she'd call them back and turned off her phone. Thank you not polite then polite women. Never sit near me again, please!! Take it else where. Tell your friends/family your going to see a movie and you'll call or text them AFTER the movie.

Thanks!! :)