Friday, September 23, 2011

Abduction. Don't let the title fool you :)

WOW!! :D If you like spy movies, this is definitly a good spy movie :) I don't want to give too much away, but it's like the other side of the story about spies. From the kids/teens point of view. It's very awesome :) Alot of action, thrills and romance :) More action then romance. Fun and excitement too. It stars Taylor Launter (my love, my crush!! /blush), with a more famous women then the other actors in that movie besides Taylor. Her name is Sigourney Weaver. She plays 2 people: Psychiatrist and a spy. She was awesome :) Some of you who might have seen a few of the Spider Man movies with Tobey Maguire, the 2nd movie had guy in there called Dr. Octopus/Dr Octavius. The guy who played him, his real name is: Alfred Molina. He's in Abduction too. He's a spy, he did well too :). But focusing on Taylor :) He did a fight scene in the train, him and this girl he was running away with from the bad guys, and Taylor's character (Nathan) did a great fight scene. Was in one of those small train car rooms with 2 cushion benches for seats. It was a very fancy train. I think it was called Amtrak?? Anyways, Taylor was already taught in the ways of Martial Arts  (karate), and had to learn boxing and self defense for the movie in fight scenes. Also, never forget that sometimes these kind of movies have romance parts. Well Taylor and this girl he's with in the movie (Lily collins, new girl. Never heard of her till now.), they had a very hot make out scene in those train rooms (just the one room of course :) lol). Boy was it hot!! :D For the excitment part, alot of running away from bad guys, dodgeing bullets, speeding in vehicles, and getting blown away from an exploding building into a pool. Safe place to land, a pool :) As long as you don't get knocked out by flying debree (piece flying away from the destroyed building.). Super awesome :D movie!! I'm definitly getting for Blue-ray DVD :) NOT only cause it's Taylor Lautner, but also cause of the, well, I do enjoy watching the make out scenes :) /blush. What can I do!? :) I'm a girl. Women growing up like to imagine being with a hotty Hollywood star. It's in our nature. It's like men, they do the same. Mostly mine would be either just hanging out with Taylor, being friends with him, and or making out as a girlfriend. This is real life and I'm taken :) By another hotty :D who in my eyes is already a super star :D
<3 Love you Jon :) /kisses. 

So I dream :)

Anyways, pizza night after an awesome movie :D
Go see it :) you'll enjoy it!! Spies, trains, chases, guns, and a hotty :) with Martial Arts skills. Yeah!!

See you ----> at the movies :D!! /wave bye for now.