Saturday, July 16, 2011

First and last Harry Potter :) EPICNESS!!!

Well, went out to see Harry Potter. Like I said, it's the first time and last time I posted Harry Potter here in my movie Blog. Special treat. I started making this in between Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow's Part 1 and Part 2. So my Blog wasn't an idea when they first HP (Harry Potter) movies came out. Anyways, but THIS ONE was definitly EPIC AWESOMENESS!! :D:D There's not much I'm going to tell about it. Obviously alot of you out there (I know a few adults :) ) have read the books, so you know how it ends. Let's just say that the EPIC 3D-ness of this movie FILLED the theater :D:D. Mostly the upper seats. Not too close to the screen. They might have gotten blown out of thier seats lol :)
Yeah so, the movie was AWESOME :D Alot of danger scenes, excitment, awesomeness of creatures, some scary scenes, but not too scary :) and like I keep saying EPIC AWESOMENESS!! OMG I WANT TO SEE ALL THE HP MOVIE ALL OVER AGAIN!! :D:D:D So cool, so thrilling, so many suprises :D!! But with the new 3D surround sound from the
Polo Park/Silvercity movie theater, it MADE Harry Potter
WICKED to watch :D:D. Ok, with out going into great detail,
I'm going to leave it here :D Have a wicked time seeing this movie :D
Um, if you have a sappy side or REALLY into Harry Potter, books and or movies, you'll need some kleenex. It's emotional in parts. Enough said.
(sorry, not giving anything away.) Be well.
And as always :D See YOU (pointing) ----> at the movie :D /wave