Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Hello Bloggers/readers. It's been a while since the last movie I wrote about. Although they are remastering the Star Wars movies with Anakin growing up and Jarjar Binks too. Thier in 3D this time though. But I'm not here to talk about those movies :) I'm here to talk about the most AWESOME, no the most ROCKING!! NO, the most OUT OF THIS WORLD
movie EVER :D:D!!! OMG OMG!! It even blew the first Ghost Rider movie out of the water!!
IT IS THAT AWESOME!! :D:D If you love Nicholas Cage and if you love Ghost Rider!!
GO SEE IT IN 3D :D:D I saw it in 3D at the Polo Park Silver City. WOW!! I definitly was surprised, had some great laughter (lol) and found another face in this movie I haven't seen in years since the last Highlander movie :D That's right, I said Highlander. Those who are fans of Highlander, the very first ones, you know who I'm talking about. Not going to give it away as to where he is, but he's in there :) Some scences were very funny, some were REALLY AWESOME!! Specially where they head to some kind of digging site. Um, if you saw commercials/trailers of the Ghost Rider sitting in some kind of contraption, keep an eye on that scene when you see the movie :D You'll know what I mean by awesome!!

Quite a bit of funny/good lines in this movie too. Talking about flame throwers (you'll literally get the picture of that LOL.),  I bet that hurt lines, road kill, etc. Pretty funny there :) One other line I should not tell you cause it's kind of a spoiler. It's Nicholas Cage/Johnny Blaze
(his character) talking with this women he has to help protect this kid (who looks like he's 15 yrs old in this movie.), and she's driving and he's the passenger in her vehicle. That's all I can say where that spoiler line starts.

Also, if you have Epilepcy and prone to seizures there is a part in this movie where Nicholas Cage changes into the Ghost Rider and the screen flashes, so maybe seeing this movie is not for you. I'm just saying cause the Twilight Breaking Dawn: Part 1 apparently had flashing moments where someone had a seizure watching that movie. Not when I went, but I think it was in another country. Maybe movies should warn you about that!? Or maybe they do and people don't heed thier warnings. Or risk going cause it's thier favorite movies :)
Anyways, sorry about that. Thought I would add that. You never know, right?

It was SUPER AWESOME!! cause of the digging site in the movie being in 3D. I loved that scene :D:D Ghost Rider still has his fiery Motorbike and his cool chain whip. Little spoiler,
no more gun though. Was also cool he had it. I guess chain whips are btter :)

In closing lol, DEFINITLY go see this movie :D. Or those who want to wait for the Blue-Ray DVD, YUP BUY IT :D:D!! I LOVE IT!! Can't wait for it to come out on Blue-Ray :D!! WOOT!!

As always :) See you ---->  :) at the movie :D

Be well, take care. Welcome to any new reader's of my movie Blog :)